Thursday, 5 April 2007

Entry for April 05, 2007 Let's break for English

Spoken and Written/ informal and formal English

1. The ambassador's arrival took place at a significant moment when...=> the ambassador had arrived at a significant moment, as...

2. she expressed her pride of being designated as Permanent Delegate => her pride at being designated Permanent Delegate...

3. Her strong commitment together with the DG's dedication would ... => united with

4. The Ambassador shared with the DG that => confided to

5. In particular, she called for: => She particularly called for

6. ... so that the site would be removed rapidly from... => in order for the site to be removed...

7. the high illiteracy rate posed a big challenge for the country's socio-economic development => represented a big challenge...

8. wanted to practically contribute to: => wanted to contribute practically

9. would further strenghen the cooperation, which is already good, between: further strenghen the already solid cooperation between...

10. The Ambassador received with great pleasure the books => expressed great pleasure at receiving the books